Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony recently launched a new Instagram page dedicated to Van Halen‘s “Van Hagar” era — that is, the years that the Red Rocker spent fronting the famous band.
Hagar and Anthony are using the site, dubbed VanHagarOtherHalf, to post rare audio and video clips, photos and more, while offering their recollections about playing together in Van Halen.
The latest post features an audio snippet of an unreleased song titled “I Want Some Action.”
Reflecting on how the band worked on new music, Anthony explains in an accompanying message, “Ed [Van Halen] was always coming up with song ideas, whether it was just a guitar riff, or a whole piece of music. The three of us would jam on every idea, whether it turned into a song or turned out to be nothing more than just jamming together.”
He adds, “Sometimes one idea would Jam into a completely different idea, with Sam scatting vocals on top. We have loads of tape with ideas like this sitting in boxes at 5150 studios!!”
Regarding “I Want Some Action,” Michael notes that it was “one of those jams that never made it to an album but has a very cool guitar riff and listening to it now we should’ve taken this one all the way!!!”
Meanwhile, Hagar notes that “I Want Some Action” came together as a jam that he initially scat-sang over, then later finished by honing the melody and writing lyrics.
“This one has a bad a** guitar riff for sure!” Sammy gushes. “Hearing this makes me want to finish my part on this song (melody and lyrics) and put it into the live show.”
Hagar and Anthony also used the VanHagarOtherHalf Instagram to celebrate the recent 30th anniversary of Van Halen’s 1991 album, For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.
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